New: Image Reading Groups Launching February 23 with Birmingham and Zoom Options

Are you longing for opportunities to take breaks from the chaos and have meaningful encounters in an intimate setting?

If that sounds like a plan and you’re in the Birmingham area, please consider joining us to discuss a lovely journal at the intersection of art, faith, and mystery on Sunday, February 23 from 3-4:15 p.m. at the home of Tim and Charlotte Donlon.

If that sounds like a plan and you’re not in the Birmingham area, please consider joining us for a Zoom gathering on Sunday, February 23 from 7-8:15 p.m. CT.

We will discuss “Dimensions Unknown: A Novel Excerpt” by Ana Menéndez from Image Issue 123. I have several copies of the journal for anyone who wants to attend, but this piece is also available online here.

Space is limited to 14 people for both options, so please email me at to save your spot. We can also make plans for you to pick up a copy of Issue 123.

My plan is to host an Image Reading Group gathering each month. We will always discuss something that’s available online and open up the conversation for people to share what they think about anything else from any issue of the print journal.

While I have several copies of Issue 123 to give away, I encourage you to subscribe to receive future copies and/or have full online access here.

Here’s more information about the Image Reading Groups from the Image website. These groups are meeting all over the United States.

experience the Image community in person
as we dive deeper into the journal's content

Picture your favorite dinner gathering: good friends, shared interests, rich conversation. Our new Image reading groups aim to offer that experience! Already launched in several cities, we have crafted an evening centered on the latest journal issue. We invite attendees to bring a favorite piece you'd like to discuss, and a friend or two (or just yourself).

We also invite you to consider replicating this experience in your own communities, and we would love to help you do so! If you'd like to host a reading group in your community, let us know! We'd love to start you off right with a kit, including complimentary copies of a recent issue to kick-start your group, Image pens, copies of Care and Keeping: a Guide to Image Groups, subscription discounts, and a special gift to our hosts.

Learn more about all of the Image reading groups here.


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